3.5 years
Domestic Short Hair
Cats: Yes
Dogs: No
Kids: NO
Adoption Fee: $350

Edward is one of the most handsome cats I have ever seen. His orange and white fur can only be described as amazing. His markings are symmetrical. His white is brilliant white. Edward is a very pretty boy.

Edward is so affectionate. He truly loves his adult humans. Preferring to sleep in bed with us. He loves relaxing in my lap or just behind me. He has a sweet meow and one of these purrs that helps you relax. Gives head butts. A truly loving soul.

Edward lives in a house with a lot of other cats and gets along fine with everyone. While the cats don't all care for one another. Edward is a lover, not a fighter. Unless you are a small child. Edward is not suited for a household with kids. I get it as a mom some days, I'm not suited for a house with kids. But alas Edward must have experienced a child in his past with bad intentions, as he reacts very negatively to small humans.

If you are an adult who hangs out with adults and is looking for literally the best cat in the world, apply for Edward right now. He is just that awesome.



