DOB: 8 yrs old
Cats: No
Dogs: No
Kids: No
Adoption Fee: $250.

Rosy is an 8-year-old Birman female. 

Rosy will be suitable for an experience cat lover.  She is shy with strangers and will hide when there are too many people in the house (even 3-4 is overwhelming to her).  Rosy takes time to warm up to people and trust them; it took me about 6 days to see her personality and relax a bit.  She loves attention and is quite talkative once she relaxes; she has certain times she wants pets and other times where she just wants to lay beside you – Rosy makes this known by giving little bites and swats; those boundaries need to be respected as she can become quite spicy.  She is an easy cat in many ways – pets a few times a day for about 10 -15 minutes and after that she will sleep beside me for hours or go find a bed or closet to sleep in.  Now that’s more trusting of me, she will lay on a blanket on the floor in the same room as me while I’m working during the day.  Rosy is very sweet and loving when comfortable and relaxed.

Rosy loves long, soft petting, from her head to mid body– nothing fast or playful when petting.  Do not kiss her.  Under her chin and front legs - only when she trusts you.

Rosy is scared of loud noises or fast movements.

Rosy does not like to be picked up or carried; she will come when called.  She knows her name.

No children.

No other pets – Rosy is very protective of her family and will attack other pets (cats and dogs tested by owner prior to being in foster care).  I believe this to be true as even seeing an animal outside through the glass door will get a very big reaction.

Rosy needs regular brushing to reduce shedding and matts.  She gets a bath every 2 months – she likes the shower, NOT a bathtub.

Rosy loves all her toys and her cat tree – she will play when she’s comfortable.  The mouse is her favourite.  She plays by herself and doesn’t want a human to help her play.

Rosy eats dry food when she wants to during the day.  She gets 2  tbsp of wet food in the morning and 2 tbsp of wet food in the evening – she loves the wet food and will ask for it!  Don’t mix the wet and dry.  She won’t eat either if they are mixed together.  Rosy also gets 6 pieces of her Feline Greenies every day.  She LOVES those!

Rosy is very clean with toileting ; not one accident or going somewhere else other than her litter, even when she was extremely scared, she still came out to use the litter.

When crating (instructions from owner prior to foster):  Open carrier door, wait until she’s asleep, softly put a towel over Rosy’s body and head, speak gently and calmly to her and put her into the carrier.



